
    Helfen Sie Ihren Kunden und fördern Sie Ihr Geschäftswachstum

    Wir präsentieren TENA e-Learning-Kurse, die speziell entwickelt wurden, um Fachkenntnisse zur Sicherheit bei Produktempfehlungen zu stärken.

    There are many questions you may be asked: Are there different types of incontinence pads? Which type of pads should I be using? My skin is sore because of incontinence; can it be prevented? How can I support my mother to maintain healthy skin?
    You can help your customers to find the right products to improve their quality of life and at the same time build trust and create opportunities to cross promote products.

    2 courses available for pharmacists:

    Course 1: Understanding incontinence
    • Why incontinence matters
    • Urinary incontinence, types and treatments
    • Your customers and their specific needs
    • How to talk and advise your customers and the product range
    Course 2: Skin Health
    • Why skin health matters?
    • Your customers and their specific needs
    • How to talk and advice your customers
    • Selecting products

    A flexible, interactive way to learn

    Illustrazione di una mano che sorregge un tablet

    Disponibilità 24/7

    Accedi ai corsi da qualsiasi computer o tablet.

    Illustrazione di un tablet con un ingranaggio

    Presentazione coinvolgente

    Informazioni pertinenti vengono presentate in modo interattivo in piccoli segmenti.

    Illustrazione di un libro con un segnalibro

    Ritmo di apprendimento personalizzato

    I tuoi progressi vengono salvati per consentirti di riprendere da dove hai interrotto.

    Illustrazione di un report

    Monitoraggio dei progressi

    Accesso ai report con i risultati dei tuoi progressi.

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